Im so sick and tired of everyone saying im in a get this my cousin came to church got baptized and is now telling everyone that we follow a different gospel and we follow a man....I mean granted I had some of the same questions but at least I made time to actually study so I could make an educated opinion rather than go by my small understanding of the being the wordsmythe that I am I looked up the definition of Cult, so here goes....
cult: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious..ok so what does unothodox mean...
unorthodox:not conforming to established doctrine especially in religion
Ok so to recap a cult is religion that does not conform to the established doctirine, but in reality the established doctrine in Christianity is the in order to be not counted as a christian cult you have to follow the bible...but heres what really cooks my noodle...ive looked in the bible and haven not found a single reference to Sunday worship...the one who made that up was Constantine, the one was the first pontiff or pope and who started the catholic church..
"This legislation by Constantine probably bore no relation to Christianity; it appears, on the contrary, that the emperor, in his capacity of Pontifex Maximus, was only adding the day of the Sun, the worship of which was then firmly [p. 123] established in the Roman Empire, to the other ferial days of the sacred calendar… [p. 270] What began, however, as a pagan ordinance, ended as a Christian regulation; and a long series of imperial decrees, during the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries, enjoined with increasing stringency abstinence from labor on Sunday. - Source: Hutton Webster, Rest Days, pp. 122, 123, 270. Copyright 1916 by The Macmillan Company, New York.
The Church made a sacred day of Sunday … largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun; for it was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition, and to give them a Christian
So then who made up Sunday worship? IT was Constantine in 321 AD who made it up....God always said worship on Sabbath ...i mean there are other things too but my point is people so readily say you are in a cult without actually checking to see if they themselves are in a cult and dont even know it. Sunday worship is not part of the established doctrine of Christianity which is the bible.....Church of God actually follows the bibe so then i guess everone else is part of a cult that was started by Constantine....And by the way when people worship on Sunday they are actually following Constantine not Jesus Christ so Id rather follow second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong who fulfilled all the prophesies in the bible rather than Constantine who was a power hungry emperor....
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Im with you. Christmas, a day set aside to celebrate the birth of the sun god est. 2000 yrs before Christ was even born, doesn't sound like anything God would agree to. Considering the 1st commandment "You shall have no other gods..." I hope people make the time to learn about Christ Ahnsahnghong so they can see true God.
I seems the more research I do about Christian Holidays and all goes back to the Roman emperor Constantine..How can we follow someone who changed God's laws? It is only Christ AhnSahngHong who came back to this earth and taught us correctly through the Bible. The it is He that we should follow.
That is so true. God gave us such precious laws in the bible but so many people turned away from them and are following traditions of man. I'm so thankful that Christ Ahnsahnghong has come to this earth to teach us the way to heaven. Without Christ Ahnsahnghong I would be on the way to destruction
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