Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So my quest for knowledge continues......I was studying yesterday with one of the sisters and I have to say it was amazing! We were studying about the Passover. At first I thought I knew what the passover was, I even kept a jewish cedar with my friend last year, but let me tell you i was sooo off course. Jesus told us to keep the new covenant passover with bread and wine, then we went into more detail about how the passover is the tree of life that gives eternal life. At first I was thrown off because I never heard about this before but then I thought hey I never studied the bible before so what do i know...anyway i can't wait to go back, with work and school its not always easy to study but let me tell you whenever i have time im going to try to make it...I finally found something that is worth doing, learning about God and the bible and salvation...I just have to give thanks to Father and Mother for letting me come to the church of God!


CherubAngel said...

Yes learning about how the Passover is the way to eat from the Tree of Life was amazing for me too. Who would have thought that there was another tree in the garden of eden that if we eat from we can have eternal life? Wait until you learn who the true reality of the Tree of life is!

Tine said...

I know how awsome is that! That study had me in tears because I was so happy! I was like wow... if only we knew how to eat from this tree.. then when I learned we could eat from the tree and have life! I was so happy! I always thought oh that's Adam and Eve's story but then.. i was like oh no me too! I have to eat from the tree of life somehow! but Thanks to God, we have a way. Through the Passover! I thought the same way, Passover? thats a Jewish holiday! but boy was i wrong; It's the way to have eternal life!!! Thanks to our Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong for allowing us to have this truth!